Leslie Parent
Partner Organization: City of Richmond, Richmond Museum, Richmond, BC
Leslie worked as part of the collections curatorial team for the duration of her practicum with the Richmond Museum. She completed Canadian Conservation Institute training modules on Preservation Housekeeping for Heritage Sites and Small Museums and Museum Collections Documentation and Data Cleaning, both of which assisted with the condition reporting and accessioning tasks she completed. Leslie assisted with exhibition maintenance and development; community engagement; belonging description, labelling, housing, and photography; and data entry and data management in the Argus database software.
Leslie also participated in a number of Department meetings, activities, and events. These included the new Richmond Cultural Centre Annex Opening, collaborations with other local heritage organizations/spaces (e.g., Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site, Richmond Olympic Experience, Steveston Tram), and the Junior Curators Spring Break Camp. Leslie was even asked to be a judge for the Richmond Heritage Fair!
I have made multiple networking contacts through my placement! I am also very impressed with all the things I saw in this organization, and I am planning on continuing my volunteer status with them for at least one shift per month.
Leslie parent