Partner Organization: Parks Canada, Fort Langley National Historic Site, Langley, BC 

Kristal experienced how a living museum operates as part of her practicum placement. During weekly shifts, Kristal wore “period costumes, maintaining the cleanliness of the costumes, and only wearing accessories/hairstyles appropriate for the time period,” while sharing information about the history of the Fort with visitors. Kristal interpreted the cooperage, black smith building, storehouse, and Big House spaces while onsite.

Working with visitors of all ages, especially children during school visits to the site, Kristal improved her oral presentation skills and grew her confidence engaging with the public. Kristal also enjoyed visiting the collections and archival storage areas, learning about the different items used to share about the Fort and the different resources collected that researchers have produced about the Fort. 

Kristal also enjoyed learning about and demonstrating tasks in the cooperage. She even learned how to make a J-hook using blacksmith techniques! Kristal explains: 

The “Cooperage” is the building that would have made the barrels to ship goods such as cranberries, root vegetables, and salmon, which was the most profitable export from the Fort. 

The Fort would benefit from more Indigenous employees and showcasing more of the importance that the local Indigenous people played at the Fort during that time period . . . this would fit into their mission to decolonize the Fort. 

kristal pillay